We performed our 600th LINX procedure in April 2023 at VHC Health -Virginia Hospital Center. Our at Virginia Heartburn and Hernia Institute continue to be one of the top centers in the country for this procedure. Dr. Gillian and Lee offer a variety of surgical options to control GERD, repair hiatal hernias and to relieve swallowing difficulties related to Achalasia. The ability to offer the LINX procedure to our patients with GERD, Heartburn and hiatal hernias has been a game changer due to the rapid recovery and the reduction in post operative side effects. We were surprised to learn that our practice was the #1 LINX implant site in the WORLD for cases performed in 2022. Our level of experience with these issues and this procedure is why we continue to be called on to train other surgeons through out the country. In addition to control of symptoms, controlling the reflux of gastric fluids/acid into the esophagus may prevent to progressions of esophageal damage into esophageal cancers. Dr. Gillian was recently interviewed about all of these issues on ABC 7 (click to watch).

The LINX procedure was originally intended as an early intervention in patients with reflux and regurgitation issues before they had progressed to larger hiatal hernias and more complex disease. Dr. Gillian’s team provides also performs hundred of the traditional anti-reflux procedures a year (Nissen/Toupet Fundoplications) but we have noticed patients choosing the LINX procedure more often due to the reduced side effect profile. We have also learned that it is effective at controlling symptoms of GERD/reflux/regurgitation in all patients even if they have Barrett’s esophagus or large hiatal/para esophageal hernias. We are now using this procedure to help patients control their reflux issues after Bariatric surgical procedures too.The procedure is often completed in 45-90 minutes with laparoscopic or Robotic assisted technique. Most patients are able to go home after a short overnight stay or in some cases the same day.