Dr. Gillian has now done more than 500 LINX procedures. His team at the Virginia Heartburn and Hernia Institute is the one of the top 5 most experienced groups with this procedure in the USA. Dr. Gillian was the first surgeon to implant the LINX device in the DMV and he continues to be the lead surgeon on the East Coast for evaluating and managing patients who are interested in the LINX procedure as an option for durable control of their GERD and Heartburn issues. He continues to proctor/train and advise other surgeons both in this technique and in the management of patients post-implant. Watch an educational video animation and surgical footage of the procedure.
Durable Results for Control of GERD
The LINX procedure was originally intended as an early intervention in patients with reflux and regurgitation issues before they had progressed to larger hiatal hernias and more complex disease. Dr. Gillian’s team provides also performs hundred of the traditional anti-reflux procedures a year (Nissen/Toupet Fundoplications) but we have noticed patients choosing the LINX procedure more often due to the reduced side effect profile. We have also learned that it is effective at controlling symptoms of GERD/reflux/regurgitation in all patients even if they have Barrett’s esophagus or large hiatal/para esophageal hernias. The procedure is often completed in 45-90 minutes with laparoscopic or Robotic assisted technique. Most patients are able to go home after a short overnight stay or in some cases the same day.
If you would like more information about how effective LINX can be at controlling your symptoms check out some of the information on Dr. Gillian’s site or look here
Dr. Gillian and Divya Bansal PA-C have placed over 500 LINX devices. The team at Virginia Heartburn and Hernia institute is one of the top 5 programs in the country for this procedure.
We appreciate all the support and trust our patients and referring clinicians have placed in us along to way to create one of the top 5 LINX programs in the country.